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Daily Agenda

Hello, Beautiful.

So today was like any other morning for an everage girl. I wake up at whatever time my body allowed, then as soon as I could get a wink of an eye open I grabbed my phones. I don't mean to check for missed calls or late texts. I mean going through social medias, texting, FaceTiming, blah blah blah. Then I realized that I can't get that last half hour of my life back.

When my tummy started to tell me to get off the phone and eat, I finally got up. It was about noon, so I didn't want any breakfast food. So I made a salad.

I made a spinach, kale, and chard salad. I topped it with egg, avocado, and carrots. Then I finished it off with extra vergin olive oil, lemon, parsley, salt, and pepper. Lastely, I tore that salad up. It was everything my life needed... and it was pretty. =]

I hope you enjoyed this blog post. How does your mornings go? Do you think my salad looks or tastes good?

-Amber XOXO

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